Friday, March 28, 2008

what daddy did By Neal shrutserman (or something like that)

i have just finished (for the second time by the way that is a record for me i neaver read a book 2 times!!) what daddy did and it is so good it is about a boy who his parents always fight and then one day they fought so hard that his mother left! so the dad is living bye the beach and is mother is living with her sister so her dad finds out she was dating this one football guy and the dad gets put in prison if you want to no why he got put in prison you have to read the book it is so so so so so good trust me on this one


Hannah :] said...

Hi Jojo I am in the middle of this book and I dont really think it is that good of a book I am in Vegas right now and I am playing with Beaner's and the new baby Zock Love ya Nana

JoJo said...

IT is a way good book how dare you jklove ya jojo

Mama said...

JORDIN----quit reading all these depressing, and scarry books. I am going to email you a list of my favorites, maybe you'll like a few!
Love aunt melinda